Sunday, 14 August 2011

Another Day and a Step Closer

Well it is the 2nd day of the kitchen make over. Here is a picture after the paint had been applied. What a difference that made to the whole feel of it. The colour we used was a soft almond from Dulux.

We then added a new light after getting rid of the 1970s strip light. So passe...... here is the next stage. I am really pleased with how it looks which is all down to my hard working other half. Thanks babe xx

Saturday, 13 August 2011

What a Difference a Day Makes

Today was the start of decorating the kitchen. It must be at least 5 years since it was last done so today was the day. We had to get rid of the dark blue that so long ago was very trendy so Kim started off covering it with white. I decided to use my fisheye type lens so I could get it all in. It is looking better already and tomorrow we go for the final colour.

Very blue

Very white

Friday, 12 August 2011

Family Day Out

What a great day out we had today. All of us went to the Longdown Dairy Farm for a great family get together unfortunately Mark was at work so missed out. The weather report was not good but luckily it held off until the last minute. Got some really good shots of the troops a couple of which I will share with you. I am always amazed at how accommodating they are when I point the camera and they go into photoshoot mode. What a great family I have and so much fun to be around.

Charlotte, Scott and Family

Philippa and Family

Kim my long suffering husband

Alex our very long suffering son

Sunday, 7 August 2011

Picture Workshops

My husband Kim and I went on a one day workshop back in April with Ross Hoddinott and Mark Bauer from Dawn 2 Dusk Photography. I have finally had a chance to sort out some pictures from that day and wanted to share with you a couple. What a great day we had and as both these amazing gents are so experienced we certainly learnt a lot. Thanks guys!

Kimmeridge Bay by Julie

Kimmeridge Bay by Kim

Sunday, 3 July 2011

Sunday Afternoon

Well here I am on this Sunday afternoon and I decided to create my first blog. It has been a bit of a work up but I eventually got there. I expect to tweek it over the next few weeks so keep your eyes peeled.